Wednesday, April 17, 2013

CS&T/AllsportsAmerica Wednesday Sports News Update, 04/17/2013.

Chicago Sports & Travel, Inc./AllsportsAmerica
Sports Quote of the Day:

"Never give up! Failure and rejection are only the first step to succeeding." ~ Jim Valvano, NCAA Collegiate Basketball Coach

How 'bout them Chicago Blackhawks? What can you say except Go Hawks!!!!!

The Hawks are off until Friday, April 19, when they play the Nashville Predators. Everything is falling into place. Play, win and then rest, play, win and then rest. That's the program right now as the Hawks continue tuning up for the playoffs. We've said it from day one and our feelings haven't changed. "Never giving up, never giving out and most of all, never giving in." The Hawks best is just going to get better.  CS&T/AA has said, We have a great feeling about this team. This is our year, remember, you heard it here first!!!!! Go Hawks!!!

NFL to announce schedule on Thursday.

By The Sports Xchange

The National Football League will announce the 2013 regular-season schedule Thursday at 8 p.m. ET, league spokesman Greg Aiello announced through via Twitter.

The defending Super Bowl champion
Baltimore Ravens will open the season on the road Thurs., Sept. 5, due to a conflict with the Baltimore Orioles, who are scheduled to play the Chicago White Sox at 7:05 p.m. ET on that date.

The NFL, Major League Baseball and the teams were unable to reach a compromise to let the Ravens to open at home.

One possibility is the Ravens opening in Denver, which would set up a rematch of the 2012 playoffs, when the Ravens won 38-35 in double overtime. It would also feature the return of linebacker
Elvis Dumervil to Denver.

Other intriguing 2013 matchups include the return to Philadelphia for former Eagles' head coach Andy Reid, who is now coach of the
Kansas City Chiefs, and Peyton Manning's homecoming in Indianapolis as well as a game against his brother, Eli Manning, when the Broncos visit the New York Giants

Boston Marathon update: More than 170 injured, bomb contained ball bearings.

Two explosions went off near the finish line of the 117th Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. (Photo by David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

Law enforcement officials cautioned that they are just beginning the potentially lengthy process of tracking down the culprit behind two bombs that left more than 170 people injured and three dead near the finish line of the Boston Marathon Monday. Seventeen of the injured are in critical condition in area hospitals, officials said Tuesday, with several of them facing amputations.

Officials have not said anything publicly about the nature of the bombs, but doctors treating the injured said Tuesday that it appeared the bombs were loaded with metal bearings that embedded into the skin of their patients. The AP reported--citing anonymous law enforcement sources--that the bombs were made of six-liter pressure cookers stuffed with ball bearings and placed in duffel bags.

Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said at a press conference Tuesday that no one is in custody for the crime, but that law enforcement are interviewing witnesses.

Officials also made a plea to the public to turn in any photographic or digital evidence they have from the scene. "There have to be hundreds if not thousands of photographs or videos or observations there were made at the finish line yesterday," Massachusetts State Police Superintendent Timothy Albert said. "I would encourage you to bring [it] forward." They directed people with information to call 1-800-494-TIPS.

FBI Special Agent in Charge Richard DesLauriers said investigators are "just beginning upon that path" of processing the crime scene and following up on leads from the public.

Gov. Deval Patrick said that no additional explosive devices were found in the area during the FBI's sweep, refuting reports that as many as five were found and deactivated.
The injuries from the explosions include dismemberment and local hospitals say they are treating shrapnel wounds, open fractures and limb injuries. At Massachusetts General Hospital, doctors performed four amputations, and two more patients are at risk for needing amputations. An 8-year-old boy from Dorchester is one of the three known dead, and several of the injured are also children.

So far, officials have identified just one victim of Monday’s bombings at the Boston Marathon: 8-year-old Martin Richard of nearby Dorchester. According to Rep. Stephen Lynch, who has known the family for 25 years, Richard was at the race with several members of his family, including his father, Bill, who had run the race in the past but had skipped the marathon this year because of an injury.

The family had gone to get ice cream and had returned to watch runners along Boylston Street when they witnessed the first blast, according to Lynch. He said the family immediately tried to move off the sidewalk into the street, in an attempt to get away from buildings out of fear of another blast. That’s when the second bomb struck, killing Richard and severely injuring his mother, Denise, and his six-year-old sister, Jane. His father was hit by what Lynch described as “ball bearings” from the bomb, but was not severely injured, while Richard’s older brother, who has not been identified, was uninjured.

Lynch told Yahoo News the family was “struggling as anybody in this situation would” and was planning to issue a statement to the media later today.

"This was a cowardly and heinous act," President Barack Obama
said Tuesday morning in a brief address. He said the bombs are being investigated as an act of terrorism, but emphasized that authorities do not know who is responsible for it. "We will find whoever harmed our citizens and we will bring them to justice," he said.
On Tuesday morning, Boylston Street remained closed, but Boston officials reopened some of the perimeter around the site of the explosions. Davis called the area "the most complex crime scene we've dealt with in the history of our department." A 12-block area remains closed to the public.

Meanwhile, in New York, a busy terminal in LaGuardia airport was evacuated due to a suspicious package Tuesday morning.

There were still signs of the chaos that blanketed the Copley Square area after the explosions went off at 2:50 p.m. Along Huntington Avenue, a stretch packed with hotels where many Boston Marathon runners stayed Monday night, dozens of SWAT vehicles were positioned in spaces where tourists usually board the city’s famous Duck Boat tours. And the side streets leading to Boylston were cordoned off with police tape, as investigators waved off bystanders trying to take photos of the scene.

The shopping mall at the Prudential Center, one of the city’s busiest tourist spots, was reopened but was eerily empty—without the usual stream of workers who use the mall to commute to their offices at the Prudential Tower, one of the city’s tallest buildings.

Along side streets, runners still dressed in their blue and yellow Boston Marathon jackets wandered the streets—some with their suitcases, as they tried to figure out a way to get to the airport, others trying to get in a daily run.

“You’re supposed to keep moving after running a marathon,” said Kathi Russo, a runner from Salisbury, N.C., who had crossed the finish line about 20 minutes before the first blast went off.


Russo, who was running her sixth Boston Marathon, spent hours Monday night trying to get back to her hotel, which was about two blocks from the second bombing site. She described a scene of “chaos” as hundreds of runners were pushed away from the blast site, not quite aware of what had happened.

Russo’s friend, Dianne Allen, was running in a later wave about half a mile away from the site when officials began to stop runners. Allen said people had no idea what happened until word of the bombings began trickling through the crowd, thanks to the few runners who had been carrying their cell phones.

It took Allen several hours to get back to their hotel, where she and Russo were reunited. They said several members of the group they were traveling with had been standing near the finish line and were injured—including a 16-year-old girl, who had a broken fibula, and a husband and wife, who suffered broken legs and burns.

“We don’t know a whole lot more about that,” Allen said. “It’s been hard to get information.”

Back in Washington, the White House released a statement saying that President Barack Obama had been briefed overnight about the explosions, and that later this morning he would receive a briefing from Assistant for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco, FBI Director Robert Mueller and other senior members of his team. The president ordered that all flags at public buildings be flown at half staff.

The race draws many runners from overseas—potentially part of its appeal as a target. Some foreign consulates in Boston urged visitors from abroad to reach out to their families to let them know whether they were safe. Some also updated their social media—notably their Twitter feeds—with the latest from the investigation and useful telephone numbers or other resources.

Time to start thinking about golfing in Chicago; a true hidden gem of diverse courses.

Chicago Sports & Travel/AllsportsAmerica wants you. Golf season is upon us and for you diehard golfers that want to try something different, come golf in Chicago. Our group at CS&T/AA, Golf Options Illinois Forever, is ready to accommodate you with some of the most diverse golf courses in one location. Regardless of your golfing ability, we have a group of courses for you to play. We arrange your transportation, lodging, tee times and any miscellaneous request that you might have. There is so much to see and do when you’re not on the golf course. Chicago has wonderful architecture, excellent museums, very good ethnic food, a great night life, remarkable professional sports teams, a diverse population with unlimited potential that has earned it several nicknames such as, “The city that works”, The city of big shoulders”, “The windy city”, “The second city” and “A true world class city.” It all works for us and we want to share it with you. Come golf in Chicago. Email us at and let us see what we can do for you. We guarantee you that all of our packages are very rare but priced super fair. Try us, we’re sure you’ll like us. We sincerely look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, “Have a great sports day!!!!!" 

Cubs Owner: Wrigley Plan 'Will Win the World Series'.

The Chicago Cubs on Monday announced an agreement with the city for a $500 million privately financed renovation of historic Wrigley Field, but property owners who offer fans a view of the action from neighboring rooftops are threatening to throw a monkey wrench into the plans.

The team, purchased by the Ricketts family in 2009 for about $845 million, plans new locker rooms, food services and a nearby hotel and office building. Supporters promised new jobs for the city and a better experience for fans as they seek to secure final approval from the City Council and the landmarks commission.

Chicago Cubs fans celebrated opening day last week at Wrigley Field. Getty Images
Team Chairman Tom Ricketts went further. "If this plan is approved, we will win the World Series," he vowed in a press conference Monday at the ballpark. He said the stadium improvements would boost the team's financial profile, offering more flexibility to spend money on players.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel praised the deal to upgrade the 99-year-old ballpark, saying it would provide jobs and new revenue for the city without costing taxpayer dollars.
But the owners of the rooftop venues, which offer high-end food and seating for about 200 fans each for around $110, are concerned about plans to place a giant video scoreboard in left field that would at least partly block their view. The Cubs have yet to release final renderings of the sign, but vowed to try to limit the impact on the rooftops.
Amid a legal tussle, the rooftop owners and Tribune Co., the previous owners of the team, agreed to a 20-year deal in 2004 that required the rooftop owners to pay the team 17% of their gross revenue.
The rooftop owners praised the progress toward a refurbished Wrigley but warned in a statement that they "reserve the right to use any and all means necessary to enforce the remaining 11 years of our 20-year contract."
The Cubs last won a World Series in 1908. Since 1945, the last time the Cubs appeared in a World Series, the team has famously been the subject of the "Billy Goat curse," placed by a local tavern owner whose goat was denied entry that year to a Series game, despite having a ticket.
London Marathon to proceed after Boston bombings.
By STEVE DOUGLAS (AP Sports Writer)
Determined to show solidarity with Boston, the London Marathon will go forward as planned Sunday with a race that will be watched by about 1 million spectators and take runners past some of the city's most revered landmarks.
The British capital has long been a target for terrorists, and concerns have only intensified after Monday's harrowing scenes at the Boston Marathon. Two bombs killed three people and injured more than 170.

After high-level talks with police and authorities, organizers on Tuesday confirmed that the London Marathon will proceed while acknowledging that a race of more than 26 miles that traverses a city cannot be entirely without risk.

''One of the great things about these marathons is that they are free and available to the public - that's why we have hundreds of thousands of people come out and watch them,'' Nick Bitel, chief executive of the London Marathon, told The Associated Press by phone. ''I can't see how that is going to change."

''It's part of the whole ethos of what a mass-participation marathon is about. What one has to do is make appropriate and reasonable security measures in light of the threats and that's what we'll be doing on Sunday.''

Prince Harry, the patron of the London Marathon Charitable Trust, will attend the race and make the presentations to the winners from the field of 36,550 runners.

''We won't be cowered by this sort of behavior,'' said British Sports Minister Hugh Robertson, who hailed the country's security forces as ''the best anywhere in the world.''

''The best way for us to react is to push ahead with the marathon on Sunday, to get people on the streets and to celebrate it as we always do in London. These are balance of judgments but we are absolutely confident here that we can keep the event safe and secure. I think this is one of those incidents where the best way to show solidarity with Boston is to continue and send a very clear message to those responsible.''

Mo Farah, Britain's double Olympic long-distance champion, will be running a half-marathon while the three medalists from the men's marathon at the London Games are also among the entries.

There have been no high-profile withdrawals so far, and Bitel told the AP that the agents of the top competitors have been contacted, reassured and ''kept comfortable with what is happening.''

''There's rather intense activity going on to ensure the race is safe and is carried off with the usual aplomb,'' said Ed Warner, chairman of UK Athletics. ''The decision at the moment is to go ahead with the race and I'm sure it is the right decision. They will cope very well with the increased demands placed on them.''

London is one of six cities in the world marathon series along with Tokyo, Boston, Berlin, Chicago and New York.

Belgrade, Serbia, is among other cities staging marathons this weekend. Organizer Dejan Nikolic is confident the race will be a ''beautiful running festival.''

''We will do our best so that this year the security level is even higher,'' Nikolic said.

In 2005, suicide attacks on the public transit system in the British capital killed 52 people. London and mainland Britain also face a moderate threat from Northern Ireland-related terrorism, according to the government. A massive security operation was put in place last summer to protect the London Olympics.

This year's Boat Race between English universities Oxford and Cambridge went ahead amid tightened security after a protester jumped into the River Thames last year and narrowly avoided being hit by the oars of the two crews. Royal Marines were stationed along the length of the 4 1/4-mile course.

Police already were preparing a major security operation in London for Wednesday's ceremonial funeral for former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, an event at St. Paul's Cathedral that will be attended by Queen Elizabeth II and dignitaries. The plans call for a procession through the streets of London, with Thatcher's flag-draped coffin to be carried on a horse-drawn carriage.

The funeral's security plans are expected to be reviewed in light of the bombings at the Boston Marathon.

''I would stress that at this stage, there's been no announcement that this is terrorism-related,'' Metropolitan Police commander Christine Jones said. ''We are working with London Marathon to make sure we have all the tactics in place that we need.''

Pat Summerall dies, legendary NFL and PGA announcer.
By STEVE DOUGLAS (AP Sports Writer)

Pat Summerall, a former NFL player who called NFL games as a broadcaster for more than 40 years, has died at the age of 82.

"There are very few people in the history of sports whose voice told you that you were listening to an important event," longtime broadcast partner John Madden said. "Pat was one of those people. He had a love and respect -- rare understanding of golf and football -- and he managed to make that obvious with just a few well-chosen words."

FOX Sports, the network Summerall worked for from 1994 to 2002, confirmed his death after the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center said Summerall died in his room at Dallas' Zale Lipshy Hospital of cardiac arrest. Summerall had been hospitalized and was recovering from hip surgery.

Summerall participated in network television broadcasts for 16 Super Bowls. His final Super Bowl was called on Feb. 3, 2002. That also was his last game with Madden. Summerall and Madden worked together for 21 years.

"Pat Summerall was one of the best friends and greatest contributors that the NFL has known," league commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement.

FOX Sports issued a statement, which read, "It is with tremendous sadness that we've learned today of Pat Summerall's passing. Pat was an icon in his profession, and was the voice that defined the NFL on television for generations of fans. He and John Madden helped give FOX Sports and the NFL on FOX credibility when it launched almost 20 years ago, and for that we'll be forever grateful. Pat's 50-year record as an NFL player and broadcaster is truly unique, and it will be very difficult for anyone to ever walk in his footsteps. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Pat's wife Cheri and the Summerall family."

Before making his name as a broadcaster, Summerall played in the NFL for 10 seasons, primarily as a kicker, for the Detroit Lions, Chicago Cardinals and New York Giants. In his four seasons with the Giants, he kicked 59 field goals and scored 313 points.

His biggest moment came with the Giants. On Dec. 14, 1958, he kicked a 49-yard field goal through the wind and snow in Yankee Stadium with two minutes to go to give New York a 13-10 victory over the Cleveland Browns. The importance of Summerall's kick against Cleveland has stood the test of time.

"His game-winning kick in the snow against the Browns in 1958 is one of the most memorable plays in our franchise's history," Giants president and CEO John Mara said.

The victory enabled the Giants to host the Browns again the following week in an Eastern Conference playoff game. The Giants won and advanced to the NFL Championship Game against the Baltimore Colts, to whom they lost in overtime, 23-17, in what has since been called 'The Greatest Game Ever Played.'

"That's one of the most famous games in football history, and we would never have been in it if Pat hadn't had that kick," said Hall of Famer Frank Gifford, Summerall's teammate with the Giants who also made his mark as a broadcaster.

After his playing career, Summerall voice became perhaps more dependable than his leg. Summerall also called tennis matches, and his voice was used in Madden's early video games.

Madden said those who worked with Summerall knew they were in the presence of greatness.

"It was an honor to work with Pat," Madden said. "He was the ultimate professional and it was all natural, just the way he was. He let me ramble on and on and the he would sum up the same thing in three or four words."

Dr. J documentary to air on NBA TV in June.

The Associated Press

An upcoming documentary will look at the life and career of Julius Erving, on the 30th anniversary of his only NBA championship.

''The Doctor'' will air on NBA TV on June 10, between games of the NBA Finals. The 90-minute program features rare footage from his ABA career. Dr. J later came to the NBA and helped the Philadelphia 76ers win the 1983 title.

One of basketball's best-known high flyers, the Hall of Famer reflects on his high school days in New York. He ended up back on Long Island with the New York Nets of the ABA.

Miami Heat president Pat Riley says, ''Unless you played against him or unless you watched him in his prime, you didn't realize how great he was.''

NASCAR could take closer look at sponsorships.

The Associated Press

NASCAR could take a closer look at how it approves future sponsors after the National Rifle Association became the title sponsor of the Sprint Cup race at Texas during a national debate over gun rights.

In a statement Friday, NASCAR says it has no official position on gun rights and that its business is to bring people together for entertainment, not political debate. It said the NRA's sponsorship at Texas fit within existing parameters, but ''this situation has made it clear'' current circumstances need to factored into the approval process moving forward.

While ''race entitlement partnerships'' are agreements directly between the track and the sponsor, NASCAR reserves the right to approve or disapprove those sponsorships.

 Please let us hear your opinion on the above articles and pass them on to any other diehard fans that you think might be interested. But most of all, remember, Chicago Sports & Travel, Inc./AllsportsAmerica wants you!!!!! 

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