Friday, January 11, 2013

CS&T/AllsportsAmerica would like to know, what's your take?

Chicago Sports & Travel, Inc. / Allsports/America
Sports News from the last few days (January 8, 2013 - January 11, 2013)

Baseball Hall of Fame Voting 

In a clear referendum on baseball's steroid era, the Baseball Writers' Association of America, in perhaps its most-debated election in history, voted nobody into the Hall of Fame, according to results released on Wednesday, 01/10/2013. Concerns about the steroid era helped keep anyone from being elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame this year. To be elected, a player must receive 75 percent of the votes from the Baseball Writers' Association of America.

Here's how some notable players did:

Barry Bonds: 36.2% (206 votes). First time on ballot.

Roger Clemens: 37.6% (214 votes). First time on ballot.

Sammy Sosa: 12.5% (71 votes). First time on ballot.

Mark McGwire: 16.9% (96 votes). 7th time on ballot.

In our opinion, until the clause that asks voters to consider a player's integrity, sportsmanship and character is removed. These guys don‘t have a chance to enter.

Is this fair, what’s your take?

The New NHL Contract (Notable Clauses)
1. The agreement is for 10 years, but either side can opt out after eight. The previous deal was in effect for seven seasons. 

2. Last season, the NHL generated $3.3 billion of revenue. The new deal will lower the players' percentage from 57 to 50.
3. Players will receive $300 million in transition payments over three years to account for existing contracts, pushing their revenue share over 50 percent at the start of the deal. They also gained a defined benefit pension plan for the first time.

4. The salary cap for this season will be $70.2 million before prorating to adjust for the shortened season, and the cap will drop to $64.3 million in 2013-14 - the same amount as 2011-12. There will be a salary floor of $44 million in those years.

5. Free agents will be limited to contracts of seven years (eight for those re-signed with their former club).

6. Salaries within a contract may not vary by more than 35 percent year to year, and the lowest year must be at least 50 percent of the highest year.

7. The minimum salary will remain at $525,000, and there were no changes to eligibility for free agency and salary arbitration.

8. The threshold for teams to release players in salary arbitration will increase from $1.75 million to $3 million.

9. Each team may use two buyouts to terminate contracts before the

2013-14 or 2014-15 seasons for two-thirds of the remaining guaranteed income. The buyout will be included in the players' revenue share but not the salary cap.

10. Revenue sharing will increase to $200 million annually and rise with revenue.

11. An industry growth fund of $60 million will be funded by the sides over three years and replenished as needed.

12. Issues such as whether NHL players will participate in the 2014 Olympics and realignment within the league will be addressed with the union down the line.

The Chairman of the NHL Board of Governors stated, "Together our collective future is extremely bright," and "Our only interest now is to look ahead and focus on what this great game can provide to the best sports fans in the world."

Once the players ratify the contract, there will be no more than seven days between the opening of camps and the start of the season, and no preseason games will be played. Teams will be challenged to be ready right from the start.

What’s your take on the shortened season and new contract?

NFL Playoffs, Saturday 01/12/2013 & Sunday 01/13/2013

Baltimore Ravens @ Denver Broncos, 01/12/2013 @ 4:30 PM ET

Our pick: Denver Broncos

Green Bay Packers @ San Francisco 49ers, 01/12/2013 @ 8:00 PM ET
Our Pick: San Francisco 49ers

Seattle Seahawks @ Atlanta Falcons, 01/13/2013 @ 1:00 PM ET
Our Pick: Atlanta Falcons

Houston Texans @ New England Patriots, 01/13/2013 @ 4:30 PM ET
Our Pick: New England Patriots

What's your take? We'd love to know!
As always, remember, Chicago Sports & Travel, Inc. / AllsportsAmerica wants you!!!!! We look forward to hearing from you!!!!!

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