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"Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war." ~ Donald Trump, Businessman, Investor, Television Personality and Author
Trending: Pope Francis is now an Honorary Harlem Globetrotter.
By Dan Devine
NBA scouts scouring the globe for international talent must be cursing themselves this morning, after being beaten to the punch for the services of the hottest Argentine to rock Italy since Manu Ginobili in the early 2000s.
The organization that swooped in? The Harlem Globetrotters. The talent in question? The ball-handlin' Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis:

Pope Francis met with members of the Globetrotters on Wednesday during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square. The 'Trotters visited Vatican City as part of a promotional push for their upcoming 90th anniversary tour, marking the eighth time the club has had an audience with a Pope, and they took full advantage, with Globetrotter "Flight Time" Lang getting "a red, white, and blue ball spinning on his own finger, then took the pope's right index finger and let a smiling Francis try it himself," according to The Associated Press.
The team also named Pope Francis an "honorary Globetrotter," a title bestowed upon "an individual of extraordinary character and achievement who has made an everlasting mark on the world." He's just the ninth person ever to receive the weirdly prestigious distinction, joining a pretty broad array of individuals — former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, comedian Bob Hope, NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, comedian Whoopi Goldberg, South African activist and president Nelson Mandela, Olympic gold medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Pope John Paul II and civil rights activist Jesse Jackson — who would, it's safe to say, make for a fascinating nine-man rotation in a contest against the Washington Generals.
In addition to the ball-spinning and honorary-status-winning, Pope Francis added a new personalized basketball jersey to his collection thanks to the Globetrotters:

I know what you're thinking — after getting a No. 1 jersey from the Boston Celtics, why did the Pope get a No. 90 jersey from the Globetrotters? My theory: the two numbers add up to 91, and the Pontiff's offering a subtle tip of his giant cap to the last hoops ambassador to make a visit to Vatican City. We can only wonder whether dyed hair and piercings will follow.
Trending: NBA in negotiations with "global sports betting companies" to partner in Europe. What's Your Take?
By Kurt Helin
When NBA Commissioner Adam Silver came out in support of legalized gambling legislation, there was one motivation behind it — money.
Silver looked at things like the Barclays Premiere League where three teams have their kit/jersey deal with an online gambling company, and numerous other teams have other sponsorship deals with said firms. For a global brand like the NBA, that’s a lot of potential cash on the table.
And the NBA is already looking to get a piece of it, reports Jered Zwerling of Bleacher Report.
Indeed, B/R has learned, through sources involved with the situation, that the NBA has been in recent negotiations with several global sports betting companies, which include but are not limited to and William Hill. One of them could soon become the league’s official partner in Europe’s regulated markets, which allows for betting on American pro sports.
“The NBA has seen the success that English Premier League soccer clubs have had with sports betting operators, and they’re following that same model,” a source with knowledge of the discussions said. “They’ve seen the naming rights and the size of those deals, and they understand that it’s an opportunity to open up another revenue stream overseas, in the hundreds of millions of dollars.”Right now, this would likely be just an overseas thing for the NBA as there is no legalized online gaming in the United States.
However, Silver sees what is coming — Americans are still gambling online, that money is just going overseas, and if states regulate it there will be a hodgepodge of rules. Better to have one federal set of rules for everyone to follow. Makes sense. Of course, good luck getting anything that makes sense out of Washington right now.
Whatever happens, Silver wants to be sure the owners are positioned to make more cash off it. This is a business first, lest anyone forget.
Chicago Sports & Travel, Inc./AllsportsAmerica Take: Legalized Gambling Pros and Cons. (Many states in America have legalized gambling and are enjoying the benefits of doing so. However, along with certain economical advantages, there are many social disadvantages that accompany this legalization as well.)
Many people say that gambling is a harmful social evil, but there are many more who believe that it is a perfectly normal means of recreation that does not deserve all the negative press that it gets. After all, gambling serves as a major source of revenue for many different parties with vested interests, and it also improves the economy in certain ways and provides employment opportunities as well. Legalizing gambling is a controversial issue that has many people for and against it, and the effects of legalized gambling can be viewed in many different ways.
The biggest impact of gambling though, is seen in people's homes. Individuals who have a gambling problem often tend to overdo it, and their addiction leads to severe problems in households. This involves the loss of money, theft of money, neglecting other duties and responsibilities, and other dangers like getting into trouble with gambling cartels and over indulging in drinking and other substances. Problems arise because there are many people who just do not know when to stop gambling, and this lack of self-restraint is the single biggest reason why gambling is viewed with such disdain.
The biggest impact of gambling though, is seen in people's homes. Individuals who have a gambling problem often tend to overdo it, and their addiction leads to severe problems in households. This involves the loss of money, theft of money, neglecting other duties and responsibilities, and other dangers like getting into trouble with gambling cartels and over indulging in drinking and other substances. Problems arise because there are many people who just do not know when to stop gambling, and this lack of self-restraint is the single biggest reason why gambling is viewed with such disdain.
Facts About Legal Gambling
At first, the answer to whether gambling needs to be legalized would seem to be a definitive no, but on closer inspection, you will find that legalizing gambling has certain advantages as well. The biggest beneficiary of this arrangement will undoubtedly be the Government of the country where gambling has been legalized, and this is what has been driving this debate on endlessly.
At first, the answer to whether gambling needs to be legalized would seem to be a definitive no, but on closer inspection, you will find that legalizing gambling has certain advantages as well. The biggest beneficiary of this arrangement will undoubtedly be the Government of the country where gambling has been legalized, and this is what has been driving this debate on endlessly.
The Pros of Legalized Gambling
The single biggest benefit of legalized gambling is the rise that the tourism industry of the country will experience. People will undoubtedly flock to this region from all around the world, and this will boost many different parties in various ways. This will inevitably lead to a rise in employment opportunities in the region as well, and the economy will grow as a result. Casinos and gambling houses are required to pay pretty high taxes, and this is another area that the Government will benefit from. The resulting increase in the tax revenue due will also lower the tax burden on other sources, and this will be welcomed by other citizens of the country as well.
Along with casinos and gambling houses, many restaurants and hotels would also arise in the region which would prove beneficial to many people. This would lead to many new jobs opening up, it would lead to greater diversity in a certain region and it would definitely lead to a rise in the standard of living of everyone involved.
The Cons of Legalized Gambling
As already mentioned, one of the most prominent points in the debate is the issue of problem gamblers. These are people who have no control over their urges and try to dupe casinos through illegal means. Not only do they cause problems in casinos, they also cause issues in their homes and in other areas around the casinos which is one of the most widespread negative effects of gambling. The crime rate in the region will rise because of all this, and so will other illicit activities like money laundering, counterfeit money and arms trading. It has also been noted that suicide rates are higher in areas where gambling has been legalized.
Even though the tourism industry will prosper, other small business establishments that provide recreation and entertainment will suffer, as most people will only visit the casinos and restaurants around the casino itself. Hence, the growth will be very unevenly divided. Moreover, many destitute people will harass tourists and wealthy looking people for money and small change and this will make life uncomfortable for many families or individuals. Additionally, people will soon find themselves spending money on gambling instead of saving it or investing it wisely and this will affect people's financial lives drastically. Ultimately, the aspects legalized gambling would depend on the self-discipline that people possess and also on the magnitude with which the gambling industry is embraced in a region. But, there can be no denying the fact that it will have more disadvantages than advantages.
- It is estimated that at present, around 20 million citizens of America are problem gamblers and compulsive gamblers.
- Atlantic City, where gambling is legal saw a phenomenal 320% rise in the crime rate, and also a 100% rise in cases of rape, muggings and burglary.
- The last Presidential Election in the United States saw a contribution of close to $7 million by the gambling industry in the country.
- The total income from this industry in the last year was close to $95 billion, and the tax amount paid was around the $6 billion mark.
- Around 500,000 jobs in the United States are provided by the gambling industry.
- 19 of the 50 states in the USA allow legalized gambling and place very little restrictions on the industry.
At the end of the day, legalizing gambling is a major social step that has many consequences. The cons outweigh the pros though so any state or region that is considering this, should make their decision very carefully. In some areas, gambling can prove extremely beneficial and revive people's lives, but in some other areas, it can destroy lives as well.
The above presentation is an article written by Rahul Thadani and published June 4, 2011. Our biggest concern is protecting the integrity of the sport. As stated in the above article, some people are weak, yield to temptation and can't control themselves. The players in the sports industry are no different than the general population, some have weaknesses that will get into debt over their heads and put them in a position to be exploited. Some examples are: Black Sox Scandal (1919), Pete Rose gambling (1989), CCNY point shaving scandal (1951), Boston College point shaving scandal 1978-79, Operation Slapshot gambling ring NHL (2006), etc. We are not saying gambling is a bad thing, we just want to keep the games fair and let the outcome of the games be above reproach. In other words, let the chips fall where they may.
Now that you know how we feel and what we think, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Please go to the comment section at the bottom of this blog and expound on your position. We can't wait to read it.
The Chicago Sports & Travel, Inc./AllsportsAmerica Editorial Staff.